Hosted by Adrienne Penebre, Movement Specialist
Move Smarter Not, Harder
3 Secrets to Recovering Resilience At any Age
Get the groundbreaking learning strategies I use to help people overcome pain and recover vibrancy, health, and flexibility, no matter their age, condition, or physical ability. No sweat required!
Save your seat and watch the free class today!

Inside this 1-Hour workshop, I'll show you:

How and What is Possible
The 5-Step Movement Learning Model I developed to help students overcome pain, improve posture and recover whole brain and body health.

My 3 Secret Strategies
Groundbreaking scientific methods and neuroplastic principles that most movement approaches miss, to leverage your brain to create potent changes and outcomes.

Find out How
Learn how to work with me more closely to recover your physical and mental well-being, (in less time than it takes to watch a sitcom!)

The most life improvement I've experienced in years.
-Elizabeth K

Cannot begin to tell you how great I feel.
-Ashton D.

Thank you for your knowledge and skills which is off the charts!
-Margaret P.
I'm a musical performing artist and a movement teacher. I've been helping humans, young and old, learn to develop their biological capacity through somatic movement for over 20 years.
Through my expertise as a NeuroMovementⓇ Practitioner, I've seen the remarkable results that are possible when we leverage movement with attention- to heal and evolve our potential, no matter our age, size, or ability.
Inside this on-demand workshop, I share with you a behind-the-scenes look at the strategies I use and that you too can learn, to change your brain, body, behavior, and your life.