Neuroplasticity is not the same as Learning. movement neuroplasticity Jun 17, 2024

New ideas pass through three periods: 1) It can’t be done. 2) It probably can be done, but it’s not worth doing. 3) I knew it was a good idea all along!
– Arthur C. Clarke


From Skepticism to Superpower: Witnessing the Brain's Remarkable Plasticity

As a movement...

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From Whining to Winning: How to Develop Your Grown-Up "Roll" and Embrace Change confidence emotions movement May 02, 2024

Growing Young as You Mature

Have I ever told you the story of the baby who wouldn't roll over? 

My friend’s grandbaby wasn't rolling over, so she took her to our highly respected teacher for NeuroMovement® lessons. She was on our teacher’s table.  When the baby...

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The Power of Subtlety: How Less Can Be More happiness movement neuroplasticity pain Mar 14, 2024


"Imagine if we learned to connect with ourselves like this as children? The world would be a very different place."

This intriguing reflection, posed by a student in one of my classes, sparked a conversation into the surprising benefits of subtlety, one of the essential neuroplastic...

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The Secret to Effortless Power movement Nov 04, 2022

Moving is an act of weight lifting, weight moving and weight bearing. Learn the secret to effortless power.  

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