From Whining to Winning: How to Develop Your Grown-Up "Roll" and Embrace Change confidence emotions movement May 02, 2024

Growing Young as You Mature

Have I ever told you the story of the baby who wouldn't roll over? 

My friend’s grandbaby wasn't rolling over, so she took her to our highly respected teacher for NeuroMovement® lessons. She was on our teacher’s table.  When the baby...

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Facing Change confidence happiness resilience Jan 24, 2024




A few months ago, I moved my life to a new state and a town which I had never visited. My husband and I intended to move to a small village about an hour away from here. 

 But, as we set our plan in motion, we realized we couldn't control everything to go...

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Five Dark Secrets of the Tight Core Myth: The Impact of a Chronically Contracted Abdomen on Your Health confidence pain Sep 21, 2023

Hey!  it's Adrienne here. Today, let's talk about the tight-core myth.

This is a subject close to my heart. I used to have chronic back pain. But when I learned how to use my core functionally, the pain went away.

Now, I'm a movement specialist, and one of the most common things I hear from...

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How to Boost Your Confidence: At Any Age confidence resilience Oct 07, 2022

Studies show that self-confidence peaks during middle age, and tends to decline after age 60.This is not great news for healthy aging! How can you upgrade your confidence? And how do you keep your confidence from rolling downhill, especially as you balance on the slippery slope of aging? 

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